In the depths of the darkest recesses of our universe, humanity uncovered the elusive secrets of life’s origin. Armed with an insatiable curiosity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge, they ventured into forbidden realms, peering into the abyss of their existence. But what they discovered unleashed a terror that would haunt their collective consciousness forever.
Hidden within the fabric of life itself lay a web of interconnecting threads, tracing back to a time before time, to a place unknown and unimaginable. They stumbled upon ancient codes embedded within their DNA, remnants of a forgotten legacy etched by an unfathomable intelligence. Gone was the illusion of purpose and individuality. In its place, a suffocating dread crept into every corner of their existence. The unraveling of their origins sparked a maddening descent into the abyss of existential terror.
The discovery of their origins had become a curse. A haunting specter that forever altered their perception of reality. They were left to navigate the treacherous waters of their creation, haunted by the echoes of a past they could never fully comprehend.
And so, the question lingered in the air, haunting the hearts of those who dared to seek answers: How does one confront the unfathomable horror of knowing too much, of peering into the abyss and finding a reflection of their own insignificance?
- Gameplay: Story-driven point and click adventure game
- Theme: Bio experiments, Sci-fi, Horror, Space travel, Existential crisis, Cosmic creatures
- Languages: English
- Developed in: Game Maker
- Platform: Windows
- Release date: TBA
- Lore-rich world
- Multiple endings (with one canon ending)
- Immersive atmosphere
- Incredible sci-fi and fantasy digital art
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